LTV Sensor Resets - No Outdoor Temp (Units With Extra Sensor Area)
No outdoor temperature (units with extra sensor area)
To sync the temperature/humidity sensor to the indoor display:
- Bring the sensor 3-5 feet from the indoor display and remove the batteries.
- Check to confirm that the temperature sensor is not reading in the EXTRA SENSOR area of the display.
- Press and release the EXTRA SENSOR button on the indoor display until it cycles through. If the ID that is on the barcode on the sensor appears, press and hold the minus button until that ID is removed.
- Press and release the SENSOR button on the indoor display 2 times to view your sensor ID number. You may see dashes for the ID.
- While viewing your sensor ID or dashes, hold the MINUS button for 5 seconds to delete the sensor ID. Dashes may show for the ID number.
- Place batteries in the sensor and press and release the TX button 3 times.
After three minutes you should see the outdoor temperature on the station.
If you do not see the outdoor temperature, try a full factory reset.
- Hold the RAIN and LIGHT OR ALERTS and LIGHT buttons together for 5 seconds or until the station resets.
- Unplug AC cord from display and press any button on the display 20 times before powering back up.
- If the station was connected to Wi-Fi, you will need to reconnect. Open the La Crosse View app. go to Menu -> Connect Wi-Fi. Follow the on screen prompts to configure the Wi-Fi on your display.