S75617 Forecast Icons and Settings
What do the forecast icons mean?
The forecast icons predict weather condition over the next 12-hours based on the change of
atmospheric pressure with about 70-75% accuracy. As weather conditions cannot be 100%
correctly forecasted, we are not responsible for any loss caused by an incorrect forecast.
Forecast Icons:
• Sunny
• Partly Sunny
• Cloudy
• Rain
• T-Storm
• Snow
Note: The “snow” icon appears when the temperature is below 32°F (0°C) and the forecast is
rainy or stormy.
• Your station calibrates barometric pressure based on its location over time to generate an accurate, personal forecast. Please allow 7-10 days for barometer calibration.
Note: As the Station builds memory, it will compare the current average pressure to the past forty day average pressure for increased accuracy. The longer the Station operates in one location the more accurate the forecast icons will be.
How does the day and night forecast work?
• The SUN icon will show in daylight hours and the MOON icon will show during nighttime hours if the forecast is for SUNNY or PARTLY SUNNY.
• The time of the SUN or MOON showing, (7am-7pm Day, 7pm-7am Night)
What do the trees show?
The tree foliage will change seasonally. The dates are programmed into the weather station for automatic change.
Spring: March 20th – June 20th - Summer: June 21st – Sept. 20th
Autumn: Sept. 21st – Dec 20th - Winter: Dec 21st – Mar 19th