Rain Gauge Tip Test
If concerned that the rain gauge is reading incorrectly, perform the following tip tests:
Manual Tip test:
While the sensor is unmounted, write down the Total Rain reading or reset the Rain Total to 0.00. Use the eraser end of a pencil to manually tip the rocker of the rain sensor 10 times. Wait at least 2 minutes for all the rain to collect.
Water Tip Test:
After mounting the sensor, write down the Total Rain reading or reset the Rain Total to 0.00 then slowly pour water into the funnel to tip the rocker of the rain sensor 10 times. Wait at least 2 minutes for all the rain to collect.
Compare Tests:
If they are the same, then the rain is reading correctly. If the rain readings are different, repeat the test 3 times to avoid human error. Then look for causes such as mounting too tight or debris clogging the funnel.