C84428 App and WiFi Setup and Support
Click HERE for our full Troubleshooting Guides, including App and WiFi setup and support.
Visit the App Store or Google Play Store to download the free La Crosse View™ app on
your mobile device.
Confirm that your mobile device is connected to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Network before you connect
your station. Some routers have 5.0GHZ for media streaming and 2.4GHZ for everything else.
1. All Wi-Fi routers have a 2.4 GHz band.
2. Newer routers are often multi-band routers with both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.
For more information on routers please visit: https://www.lacrossetechnology.com/router_info
Check your station:
• When connecting to the app, ensure the Wi-Fi Indicator icon is blinking.
• Solid: Indicates that you are connected to Wi-Fi.
• Flashing: Searching for Wi-Fi Network
• Not displayed: Not Connected
• If it is not blinking, perform a Wi-Fi search by pressing & holding the + & - buttons together.
Note: Station power cord use is required. Battery operation only, will not update sensor or Wi-Fi
data to the station.
Launch the app:
• Open the app on your iOS or Android device.
Follow instructions in the app:
• Your La Crosse View™ app will walk you through creating an account and connecting
your station to the
• Internet. Once connected, your time, date, and local forecast information will update
instantly on your station’s screen