S88907 No Outdoor Temperature
(related 588907)
Use the quick connect method for a weather station and remote sensor that have been working but lost connection due to interference or low batteries.
1. Bring the remote sensor and weather station together inside, and place the units 5-10 feet apart with nothing between them.
2. Hold the HEAT/DEW button for 5 seconds. The remote temperature area will flash.
3. Remove battery cover from the remote sensor and press and release the TX button to send the signal.
4. Wait for 2 minutes for the remote temperature to appear on the weather station.
Factory Restart: If the above procedure does not work, please try the factory reset.
The factory restart returns the weather station and remote sensor to an “out-of-the-box” default state and often resolves an issue.
Factory Restart:
1. Remove all power (batteries and AC) from remote sensor and weather station.
2. Press one of the buttons on the weather station at least 20 times to clear all memory.
3. Verify that the weather station is blank before proceeding (there may be lines painted on the screen that will show when there is no power).
4. Leave both units without power for 15 minutes (very important).
5. Insert the AC power cord into the wall outlet then into the weather station.
6. Insert fresh batteries into the remote sensor.
7. Press the TX button on the remote sensor to transmit RF signal.
8. Keep the remote sensor 5-10 feet from the weather station.
9. When RF connection is established, the temperature will appear on the station. Allow the remote sensor and weather station to sit together for 15 minutes to establish a strong connection.
10. Do not press buttons for 15 minutes.